Pogoplug Wheezy Fix

Debian on Pogoplug no longer boots since kernel 3.2

Getting the Pogoplug to run Debian Wheezy

To get Wheezy running on a Pogoplug, after following the instructions here to install Squeeze, you should run the following at the console. Hopefully you won't have any issues, but if you do, then they can be discussed in the relevant part of the Expand your NAS forum

wget http://cefn.com/blog/files/wheezy-upgrade.sh

chmod +x wheezy-upgrade.sh



I'm very happy to incorporate any changes to the script I'm hosting here to ensure people are able to do this successfully, if you want to contact me.

Rebuilding the Pogoplug

In preparation for Raspberry PI taking over the world, I've been reminding myself of debian builds on Arm devices, by blowing the dust off some NSLU2s and getting a newer equivalent - the Pogoplug - to boot a modern linux build.

I need Wheezy to get drops of gphoto2 and other stuff, which incorporates the latest fixes. Ubuntu is based off Debian testing, so I'm comfortable with its general stability and the latest software is worth getting for compatibility and functionality. So when I found that a combination of bugs/features of uBoot and linux kernel 3.2 makes a Pogoplug unbootable if you try to update it, I thought I'd better find a way to fix it.

The guys at the Expand your NAS community are incredibly talented and helpful, but in some ways too smart. The sorts of things they are capable of with serial and JTag and whatnot, goes beyond my equipment, competence and makes it hard for regular people to get the best of what's available.

So I set about trying to find a way to get Pogoplugs to update, using steps which are available to ordinary mortals. In my case, that's using apt, and the debian testing repositories.