9th August 2012

We had planned this walk for the two elder granddaughters but when the youngest heard she wanted to come despite having a very sore throat. In the event it was just as well because we saw very little of the two eldest.

Nicole & Nan set off through the small copse. The other two are long gone.

A vain attempt by Nicole to catch them.

Nicole & Nan.

Misting Whinfell.

Making friends.

The Whinfell Ridge.

After shooting off ahead the elder two were soon back...." Nannnn there's some cows up there!" .....

....after being told that the cows wouldn't bother them they set off again, but not quite as fast.

It's a stand-off!.....Sophie who is hoping to be a vet takes cover behind her cousin.

Looking ahead at the mid-way fence. The day isn't as nice as promised but at least it won't get too warm.

The elder two are off again....on the wrong path but they'll twig it soon.

Looking back to Nan and Nic who is now wearing Nans hat.

The dynamic duo.

Cloud topped Conistons.

" I'm under this hat Granddad "

Benson Knott & hazy Howgills.

The eldest two are now on the top with Sophie on top of the big cairn.

Nicole bursts into sprint mode to join her sister and cousin.

Summit views....to Kentmere

To the Coniston and Langdales.


Meanwhile....I am left with a bag of crisps!

Nicole and Edith.....by now the other two had scarpered.

Trouble and me!!

Time to make our way back.

Her throat is so sore and she won't have a drink.

The cow-whisperer passes on a few tips. The highlight for Nic however was seeing one having a pee.

" Can you run like this Nan?"


On the last leg now and she is getting tired. Edith goes nursery rhyme mode. 

Not far now.

Back through the copse.

To rejoin the texting twins!!


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