17th February 2010

After our last walk along the Cumbria Coastal Way my right knee started giving me a bit of pain so I decided to rest it for a few days. By today I was going stir-crazy and the knee did feel a lot better. We decided to visit the Crook O'Lune and have a short walk there and then move on to Hornby.


It was a lovely sunny day but from the Crook O'Lune picnic area Ingleborough was partly hidden in the haze.

From the close up it could seen that it had a fresh covering of snow.

We made our way down to the river.

There was a lot of water coming down the river making reflections near the bridge awkward.

And then came the ducks.

Walking down the river the reflections were better.

A look back

Aprroaching the point where the river does a 180degree turn.

Not the best of reflections but my favourite.

The river here swings sharply to the right. This was as far as we walked as the next section is stepped and I wanted to take it easy with the knee.

Not far from the river is the Memorial Forest.

The old railway bridge on the eastern side of the Crook taken from the road bridge as we make our way back to the car.

From the Crook O'Lune we drove up the Lune Valley to Hornby

We parked in the car park near the bridge over the River Wenning to have a short walk along the river

A view of the Castle and river from the bridge.

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