Area: Lake District Ascent: 767 feet
Walk No: 0167 Time: 4 hours
Date: 27th May 2008 Parking: Nr Portinscale (NY254239)
Distance: 9.00 miles Weather: Very dull with a couple of light showers at start


Route: Portinscale - Hawes End - Brandlehow Bay - Park Neb - Keswick - Portinscale

For those of you that are thinking of going onto the hills I would strongly recommend that you read the advice given by the Mountain Rescue organisation of England and Wales. To read this advice, which will open in a new page please click HERE. If you would like to make a donation to the Mountain Rescue organisation which is purely voluntary please click HERE. Please make the time to read the advice page.

Tuesday was rather dull and grey and Edith wasn't interested in climbing so it was decided to do a circuit of Derwentwater starting bear Portinscale. The pictures aren't all that clever but we did enjoy the day.

Looking towards Grisedale Pike from where we left the car

Crossing the bridge into Portinscale

A very low River Derwent

Derwent Manor, part of the Derwentwater Hotel complex.

Walking through Fawe Park on a section of the Cumbria Way towards Hawes End

Approaching Hawes End with Catbells in front

At Hawes End we took the track down to the waters edge just in time to see the ferry leaving

Looking towards a rather gloomy Blencathra

Catbells from Withesike Bay

A little brighter to the north over Skiddaw but it didn't last


Celebrating 100 years of the National Trust caring for your countryside at Brandlehow 2002



Walla Crag with Blencathra in the cloud from Myrtle Bay

The Maiden Moor - High Spy ridge

Looking into the "Jaws of Borrowdale" with Castle Crag in the centre

A look down Derwentwater to Walla Crag

And across to Catbells

Crossing the River Derwent with Kings How on the left , Castle Crag in the centre and High Spy towards the right

Climbers on the crags

From here it was a short walk on a permissive path next to the road back to the waterside

Falcon Crag from Barrow Bay

Looking up Derwentwater from Calfclose Bay

And to Catbells , Causey Pike and the NW Fells from Friar's Crag

Friar's Crag

The waterside at Keswick


Skiddaw through the hoop at Hope Park

The Keswick chippie

Keswick Moot Hall. Built in 1813 with an unusual one-handed clock.

Walking back to the car

And finally.......back to the car.

Next Walk:      29th May 2008 -- Mellbreak from Lanthwaite Wood NT CP

Last Walk:     26th May 2008 -- Ling Fell & Sale Fell from Wythop Mill


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