Area: Lake District (SE) Ascent: 922 feet
Walk No: 202 Time: 2hours 45minutes
Date: 29th August 2008 Parking: Gummer's How Car Park
Distance: 5.00 miles Weather: Dull and grey, low cloud, some light drizzle


Route: Car - Sow How farm - Sow How Tarn - Heights Cottage - Raven's Barrow - Cartmel Church - Heights Cottage - Sow How Tarn & farm - Car

For those of you that are thinking of going onto the hills I would strongly recommend that you read the advice given by the Mountain Rescue organisation of England and Wales. To read this advice, which will open in a new page please click HERE. If you would like to make a donation to the Mountain Rescue organisation which is purely voluntary please click HERE. Please make the time to read the advice page.

This was my first walk for a week. Last Friday we had climbed Wetherlam and as we drove home I was already making plans for walking on the Saturday. However around 10pm on Friday evening I started with one of my Rheumatoid Arthritis "flare-ups". This one was by far the worst I have ever had and it took until Sunday morning to start subsiding. I never left the house until the Wednesday and still felt weak. Forunately the weather during this past week as been very poor so at least I wasn't fretting about missing good days out. Anyway, today was just to be a gentle walk to see how I felt. The weather was still poor so views were very limited if at all.

A Wainwright in his "Outlying Fells of Lakeland" starts this walk from St.Anthony's Church on Cartmell Fell but we decided to start it from the Gummer's How car park thus extending the walk from 1.75 to 5.00 miles and the ascent from 300 to 922 feet.

Our route initially followed the quiet road over Cartmell Fell as far as the farm lane to Sow How. There as been recent harvesting in the Chapel House plantation.

Sow How farm

The bridleway we took from the farm will also be our return route today but that means passing the delightful Sow How tarn twice probs!

First view of Raven's Barrow with the ridge of Whitbarrow behind

The aptly named Heights Cottage. Now a barn and general storage building but what a glorious spot to have roads though!

A murky view across to Arnside Knott

We have now joined the "Wainwright route" and are on our way to the cairn, passing this small pond on our way.

Raven's Barrow cairn, shown as a Monument on the OS map.

AW's way up -- Our way down

But first a sit down to admire the non existent views

You tell was about 12 inches tall.

Update..I have been told that it is a young Parasol Mushroom and is edible..Thanks to Sheila from Gosforth and to Russell from LakeDistrictNow for contacting me.

After descending to the road we walked down to the Church. This mosaic is on the wall of the Church Hall.

St. Antony's Church , Cartmell Fell

After visiting the church we walked along the quiet road a short distance to take the bridleway back to Sow How. This bridleway is AW's descent route.

Back at Heights Cottage

Dull relections on Sow How tarn

An inquisitive youngster comes across only to scamper away when approached

Sour How tarn outlet

Back to Sour How tarn

The cloud base as lifted a little. Now we can see the top of Gummer's How

"Fruit of the Forest?"

Back to the car park and a look down to Lakeside

Amd finally.....a look up to Gummer's How

Next Walk:      7th September 2008 -- Lake District (NW) -- A walk around the foot of Ennerdale

Last Walk:      22nd August 2008 -- Lake  District (SW) -- Wetherlam from Coniston


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