The purpose of this section is to show various pictures from Cumbria which do not normally appear on our walks pages. They may have been taken on a day out or maybe on the way to or back from one of our walks or sent in by one of our readers. Either way I hope that you will enjoy them.
The pictures below were taken on the 6th February 2009 when we had an afternoon drive to Coniston, Ambleside and Bowness. Most of the pictures were taken within a few yards of the car as I am unable to walk far at the moment. I apologise for omitting most of the captions to the pictures today. The Arthritis in the fingers/wrists is quite painful therefore I have not bothered with them. Anyway regular viewers will be able to place them. If there are any that your not sure of just e_mail me and I'll fill the gaps.
Yew Tree tarn
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