Module @lauf/store-edit

Edit a store's immutable state

An idiot-proof mechanism to write @lauf/store state without breaking immutability. Guarantees safe Immutable edits without needing to learn Immutable update patterns

Read the API Reference or the reference usages below.


Making Edits

// given this example store
const counterState = createStore({ counter: 0 });

// editing a draft writes a new immutable state
edit(counterState, (draft) => (draft.counter += 1));

How it works

Your editor function is passed a draft object matching store state. Edit the draft using any javascript syntax. Immer then efficiently composes a new Immutable state to reflect your drafted changes, leaving the old state intact. The new state is passed to store.write(...).

Import OR Require

import { edit } from "@lauf/store-edit"; // for esm
const { edit } = require("@lauf/store-edit"); // for commonjs

Getting Started


npm install @lauf/store-edit

Demonstration Apps

Selected Example Counter Apps offer minimal demonstrations of @lauf/store-edit. See the following...


Type Aliases


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