Area: Local Ascent: 1258 feet
Walk No: 92 (Part 2) Time: 5 hours
Date: 29th October 2007 Parking: A6070 near Holme Park Farm  GR: SD530793
Distance: 11.00 miles Weather: Fine with sunny spells


Route:      Holme Park Farm - Hutton Roof - Burton in Kendal - Holme - Holme Park Farm

Travellers heading north along the M6 bound for the Cumbrian Fells are even further afield may have looked at the large lump of limestone that is Farleton Fell and Holmepark Fell as they passed the Burton services just north of Carnforth. They cannot compare with the high fells of Lakeland nor offer the same splendid views but that is no reason to ignore them. The plantlife particularly in springtime is prolific and the limestone scenery is always good to see.

Our route today would take us from our parking space near Holme Park farm over the top of Holmepark Fell and after crossing a minor road onto Hutton Roof Crags before descending to Hutton Roof. The path used is part of the Limestone Link which runs between Arnside and Kirby Lonsdale. From Hutton Roof we made our way down to Burton in Kendal and from there onto the Northern reaches of the Lancaster Canal to Holme from where we returned to the car.

Although the leaves are falling fast now there are still plenty of Autumnal colours to be found

There was a little road walking to be done to get to Burton in Kendal and on the way we came across this recently renovated road sign showing the old county of Westmorland. Oh for the days when I could go up Coniston Old Man and still be in Lancashire.

Burton in Kendal. We didn't go into the village but took a lane that took us to the nearby canal

Passing over the M6 on the way

The next bridge was a little more peaceful though

Our way back would take us along the Lancaster Canal to Holme.

A big bird was hovering overhead

This section of the Lancaster Canal is no longer navigable. The navigable section finishes about 1.5 miles to the south at Tewitfield

It is however still full of water unlike the section further to the north shown in a previous walk.

The pond at Holme Mills

Reflections in the canal near Holme

Coke Ovens information board

And on the opposite bank the ovens

Farleton Fell & Newbiggin Crags

The end of our canal section. The canal is culverted here to go under the road

And carries on northwards on the other side

We are back on the A6070 on our way to the car.

Finally .....back to the farm and the car

To return to Part 1 of this walk click here

Next Walk:     2nd November 2007 - Arnside Knott

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