Area: South Cumbria Ascent: 370 feet
Walk No: 108 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Date: 6th January 2008 Parking: Levens Bridge (SD496855)
Distance: 3.50 miles Weather: Fine and mainly sunny

Link to Route Map (Opens in new page)

Route:   Levens Bridge - Levens Park (E side of river) - Park Head - Levens Park (W side of river) - Levens Bridge

We left the car just up the road from Levens Bridge near Lawrence House farm

The River Kent from Levens Bridge

An information board as we enter the park.

The winding River Kent as it nears its journeys end. The river starts it's journey high in the Lakeland fells by Bleathwaite Crag between Thornthwaite Crag and Mardale Ill Bell. It will finish as it enters Morecambe Bay below Arnside. The path you can see on the other side of the river will be our return path.

A small herd of black fallow deer on the other side of the river.

Nearing the top of the park. Some of these trees are around 300 years old.

We are now at the top of the park and looking up the river to where the A591 crosses the River Kent. Our return path would go under the road.

An unusual limestone seat at the top of the park.

The fern-topped wall by the exit stile from the park

One of the many small becks that feed the Kent on its journey to the sea.

Crossing an unusually quiet A591

Walking along the quiet lane at the top of the walk we just caught a glimpse of Sedgwick House

A group of canoeists at Force Bridge

Force Falls

The path under the A591 to Park Head

Looking towards Sizergh Fell from Park Head

Close up of the black fallow deer as we re-enter the park

Our way back.

Levens Bridge. You can see by the debris on the trees branches that water level in recent times as been much higher. I estimated that the highest debris was a good 10 feet above the current level.

And finally....Back to the car.....Looks like a few others had the same idea as us!

Next Walk:      9th January 2008 -- A Lune valley walk from the Crook O'Lune

Last Walk:    5th January 2008 -- A walk around Glasson & Thurnham


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