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Installing Google App Engine Plugin on Ubuntu Eclipse
Workarounds for bugs and misconfigurations of Eclipse on Karmic and Linux Mint
As part of my AllyourX project work, I've been looking to combine a narwhal-based server-side javascript engine with Saxon for XQuery processing.
Ideally, this would permit non-technical users to host their own rich-data-driven websites on the Google App Engine infrastructure.
As all my development these days takes place on Linux Mint and I recently upgraded, I've been working out how to configure a suitable development environment for Google App Engine.
Problems with default Eclipse, and the workarounds
By default the repository version of Eclipse for Ubuntu does not permit updates without running as root (very dodgy), so I installed the Eclipse Galileo release direct from
This version too is broken under Karmic, since it uses its own native window toolkit by default, which doesn't respect the new Gnome version. You have to launch eclipse with a script like this (via
xuldir=/usr/lib/xulrunner-$(/usr/bin/xulrunner --gre-version)
However, that isn't enough by itself. To install the Google App Engine or Web Toolkit plugins you also have to add the EMF repository to your software update sites, else it complains that it cannot satisfy a dependency for 'org.eclipse.wst.css.core 0.0.0'.
Adding to my Eclipse software update sites got me up and running in Eclipse with Google App Engine SDK on Linux Mint 8.
Ignore the error...
g_set_prgname() called multiple times
This seems to happen with all Xulrunner apps on my machine, including the Plain Old Webserver implementation I'm testing AllyourX with.
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